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There's a lot of talk out there on the internet that DHT is to blame for hair loss. It isn't. Excess Estrogen is to blame.

Here's a quote:

Where does all this Estrogen come from and what sources of dietary fat is a major contribution? 

The fat from Olive oil or corn oil, cheese, butter or meat is already in the form of triglycerides and since it goes directly into the intestines, the huge amount of undigested fats pour into the blood stream, and clumps blood cells together and is absorbed into the fat cells without needing digestion. 

Worse, the fat stimulates production of estrogen, which is a fat retaining hormone, allowing one to build and retain more fat on the body, with some of the estrogens concentrating in the prostate (BHP or later prostate cancer), hair follicles (hair loss) although the DHT is present in the scalp, the DHT increases in the scalp only because the androgens of Testosterone are not strong enough to compete with estrogen (estrogen is 1000- times more potent than testosterone) and only DHT can exist in a body loaded with estrogen.
What gets rid of bad estrogen?
Pears for one. The fibre in them clears bad estrogen out of you like an intestinal broom.

If you are losing hair it is just a sign that your body is out of balance. Notice how you have also put on a bit of weight?

All is not lost.

Male Pattern Baldness


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