What is Dr Mercola's Opinion on Hair Loss? Legendary Doctor, Doctor Joseph Mercola, (a doctor) says there is a documented link between insulin resistance and hair loss. Insulin resistance is what you get before diabetes, or after too many cupcakes. He has also found one of the best antioxidants that helps to knock out insulin resistance is ALA...alpha lipoic acid for short. "Are You Male and Going Bald? STOP the Grains and Sugar !!" says the headline of his article, in a much bigger font than this. Here is the rest of it : Click here Even though Dr Mercola has less hair than you the article is worth reading. The article is quite interesting, especially to vain people, like myself. Have you heard of coconut oil? It fights insulin resistance very well. It stops those sugar highs and crashes we get. Who knew coconuts were so powerful? I will NEVER poke fun at Hawaii ever again. You do NOT have to wait 2 years for a cure!!! Do you want your hair back?...
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